
Showing posts from August, 2011

Creative Play

I have always had theories about my children and how they play. I wanted them to be creative, and to imagine. To pretend. I wanted to raise them in a way that would give them the longest childhood possible because let's face it, childhood is short. That sounds simple enough, but it is harder than you think. From a young age, our kids are consumers, and everything caters to them, from toothpaste to band-aids and clothes. And it seems like everything is trying to make them grow up faster. Movies, music, tv shows. I really just wanted my kids to be kids, not consumers. And so, I sheltered them in many ways; we stayed home a lot, and we played and danced, painted, squished play-doh, made forts, and went for walks where we smelled the flowers. My friends will tell you, there we many days I was ready to bang my head against the wall, but these years that I have been at home when the kids were at home, have been a precious joy and I am thankful they have had to opportunities to play free...


In May I wrote this...... "I wish I was a runner, but I am not a runner. First of all, it is hot here. And second of all, I don't like to run, at all....not for long distances. I wish I is cheap and accessible, but I am not self motivated enough to be a runner. This I know." But, I guess that isn't true after all. Because, I have been running. Not a lot. Not fast. And, I am not great at it. But I am running. I may never run a marathon, and I am fairly certain that I don't aspire to, but I can run. Just a little. Enough. Sometimes, there is something childlike about running. Joyful even. When my bunions aren't killing me, anyway. If there is a breeze, and it isn't a zillion degrees, a good song is on, and I have just passed a patch of honeysuckle, I want to close my eyes and turn in circles and sing....I don't, but I feel like at some point while I am running most days. As a mother, what I think I like best about running is that for however lo...

Affirmations and Inspiration Along the Journey

Mark Twain said, "You can live for two months on a good compliment". I think he is right. When someone says something to you that is positive, and meaningful, and touches your heart, no matter what else comes your way, that little speck of praise will carry you far, and may even add a little spring to your step. When I started this journey (boot camp), I said I wasn't doing it to lost weight. In fact, when I filled out my form for boot camp I said that I wanted to get stronger. And I did, and I have. So, I lost 20 lbs. along the way, and I will take that, gladly. In fact, I would like to lose 10 more, well really 12, if I am being honest. :) That being said I have not lost a pound since the end of June, and I am okay with that too. Despite weight loss and muscle tone gain, what has really awed and amazed me has been my interactions with people, and their "take" on the "new me". I have been encircled by positive people in the form of coaches and friends...