A Familiar Ache

9 months and 11 days. The number of days between the death of my husband and then my father. The number of days between the loss of the two most important men in my world. The number of days between two events that robbed my children of their father and grandfather. The number of days between having our hearts shattered not once, but twice. It has been 2 years and some months since my father passed away, and 3 years now for Michael. After that time I can see, that while we can be happy, it is going to color everything. Forever. You don't get better. You heal in lots of ways, you move forward, but it's there. And it gets your when you least expect it. I miss my dad. He was quiet and we didn't talk a lot. He loved by doing. I look am my house and there are just things that need to be done. He would do them when he came to visit. He always had a creative solution to the little odds and ends that...