A Letter to My Children's Teachers

To the teachers and staff of Still Elementary, who have loved my family so well: I want to thank you. I really want to more than thank you. I want to hold a banquet in your honor. I want to do something spectacular. But, all I have for you are these words, a hug, and some flowers from my son tomorrow as he walks the halls of Still…..one last time. We started our journey at Still Elementary in 2008, when my daughter began 1st grade. Sadly, it will end tomorrow when my son finishes 5th grade. The past 7 years of teaching, learning, creating, and growing are something to celebrate indeed. The investment of your time and talents into the hearts and minds of my children is definitely praiseworthy. But, for me and my family, you have done so much more. You have loved us and held us through some hard days. You have cared for us far beyond the duty of any educator. You have prayed for us in our darkest hou...