TOTY: Humbled and Honored

I think I am an unusual teacher. I hated high school. Not basketball, musicals, chorus, art or dances, just the rest of it. Maybe not hated. I think I was just disinterested in most of what I was required to learn. Indifferent perhaps? Sometimes I just opted to take a C rather than study something I didn't really care about. Looking back, I guess it was bad and I do wish I had a better recall of history, but I can't say it has held me back in my life. Let's just say I was never one of those little girls who wanted to be a teacher her whole life. While I "hated" school, I loved art. And lucky for me, my Junior and Senior year, it was a double period. My high school also offered Humanities, so that was another class that I found interesting and meaningful (art, history, literature and music). Today, there are kids at every school just like me. Students who sit through biology, and algebra, and whatever else the state says they ...