Why I Love Lacrosse

I love lacrosse. I love watching my son play lacrosse. I mean what mom doesn't love to watch their kid sing, play tuba, or dribble a basketball with skill? But for me with lacrosse it's much more than that. I love lacrosse for what it is my son and his life; for him as a boy. And, I love what lacrosse is for us as a family. I don't always (read never) love the early mornings, sitting in the rain, or sweating in the heat. But, all in all, it's the kind of thing I know I will miss one day. Enough so that sometimes I just sit back and take it all in, sort of like savoring it. In some strange way, I do love it, each rainy, hot, steamy, tiring moment. I am happy to be there and lucky that my son has taken me on this journey. Lacrosse is, of course, a sport just like all of the others he has played through the years. It makes him think. It gives him the chance to him push himself. It forces him to make quick de...