Why I Wildtree......

In August of 2016, I hosted a Wildtree Freezer Meal Workshop because I wanted to have some easy meals prepped and ready to go before school started. Almost immediately, I was impressed and a little bit amazed. Everything was easy (like no brainer easy) and so good. It was an answer. It filled a need. It kept me out of the drive thru line. The products were ORGANIC with NO PRESERVATIVES and no GMO. This was how I liked to feed my family, but not how I was feeding them with the demands of work and life and sports.......I know you know what I mean. During 2011, I went on a transformative health and fitness journey. From couch potato, to fit and active. As a part of that transformation, I started to feed my family healthy, organic meals. I was a stay at home mom, and I loved to cook, so it was my pleasure to whip up delicious, healthy food for my family. I would spend Sunday afternoons looking up recipes, pinning things to tr...