Be Prepared....

Life is busy. Hectic. We are all going at a frantic pace, trying to raise kids, do our jobs, run to 18 sporting events each weekend, while keeping up with the laundry and grocery shopping (can I get an Amen?). Amid the hayrides, pumpkin carving, homecoming photos, and football championships, it seems like something is always happening. Not always good things. On a wide scale it sometimes seems like the world is coming unhinged. On a personal level, my Facebook feed has been filled with breast cancer (3 new cases recently), new widows, and and far too many illnesses and medical diagnoses. Sometimes it is downright depressing. We have all been there. Leading our idyllic life with our happy family when tragedy or misfortune strike. Job loss, job stress, cyber bullying, cancer, car accidents, unknown medical issues with no treatment in sight, and even loss. No family is immune. My family was not prepared when we were shoc...