
I wrote this one last summer.......never finished it.....til today. Sometimes I start writing posts, and come back to them months later. Today, I clicked on this one....titled Brave only to discover I hadn't written anything. Funny. I wonder what my motivation was on that day. I know what it is today. People often tell me I am strong. Mostly, I think they are wrong. I can see how I might I look that way to some of you. Make no mistake, I am not. I am not any stronger than you. I don't think those of us who have faced loss are any stronger than the average person living the life of Riely. When hardship, loss, illness, or tragedy enter your life, you have two quit, or to keep going forward and write a new chapter that takes your story in a new direction. Quitting is not an option. At least not to me with two kids to raise. And so you think I am strong. I look strong because I keep going fo...