20 Years

Twenty years ago today I got married. I only got to have 13 anniversaries. As a widow, anniversaries 14-19 were fine. I went to dinner with friends, or did nothing at all and it seemed okay. Just a day. Yet, this year the date was looming large and occupying too many of my thoughts. I was filled with dread. It was a milestone, and maybe causing me to think about my age and the passage of time. I have been feeling "some kind of way". Really, just a lot of different ways. 20 years? How has it been 20 years? How is this my 7th solo anniversary? How am I not still in my 20's (very self absorbed, but I challenge anyone "my age" to not give this one an amen). Wrinkles? Reading glasses? Is this for real? I've been reflecting on the many people that were at our wedding that are not here anymore. They include: my husband, my father, grandfather, grandmother, friend's parents, my parent's friends, and th...