Impacting a Life

I am an art teacher. I know lots of teachers. My children will have 16 teachers combined this school year. And yet, I don't think I fully realized the impact of teachers until recently. In some ways, teachers have a lot of power. They have the power to inspire, encourage, and build up; or to the power to tear down and destroy. I like to believe most teachers aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, growth, and lifelong success. While I am a teacher. I am also a mom. My daughter is growing up before my eyes. These days the growth is less physical and more emotional and intrapersonal. She is becoming a person. A real grown up person separate from me. She has thoughts about her life and future that have nothing to do with my thoughts ( I don't know about you but this came as a shock to me !). She has dreams and plans beyond the seeds I have planted in her head. Sure, I see my hand in it. ...