
I work hard to be a positive person. I consciously look for the good in everyday, even if it something as small as a drawing from a student, or having leftovers and not having to cook that night (can I get an Amen!). I am all about choosing joy and having an attitude of gratitude. I have been know to keep a gratitude journal when things are tough because I don't ever want to forget that I am blessed. But sometimes......sometimes I just can't. Sometimes it all just seems of unfair, and unjust. I work hard. I try hard. I am nice. I care about people. I give my all. And yet, my life is just not fair. Being a good person doesn't mean you get an easy life. Or a nice life. Living through life altering change doesn't mean that things will go smoothly from here on out. But for me, it means when things I don't ask for happen to me I don't take it well. I really don't like when things beyond my cont...