A Testimony

The days following Michael's death are largely a blur. I have had friends recount bits and pieces to me. And besides telling my children that their father was never coming home again, and the moment that my mom walked into my house, I really can't say that I remember a whole lot besides the overwhelming kindness and generosity of people. In the days that followed what I can remember is walking around outside muttering prayers, but mostly saying, "Why?". Why did this have to happen. Why, why, why. And, I know many of you will think I am a complete and utter crazy person when I share this, but, I really feel I was given an answer. I can remember quite clearly being outside in my driveway, near where Michael fell and hearing quite discernably, "This will be a testimony". And I remember saying, well then we need to rethink this, because my husband does not need to die for there to be a testimony (as if at that point in time it could have been re...