One More Month

Well, I couldn't quit. I just couldn't. I wasn't ready to be done, and I really can't figure out what I will do next in terms of fitness, and I don't want to do nothing with as hard as I have worked to get where I am now. I have some Kathy Smith videos, really VHS tapes, and a working VCR, but I don't think that is going to work for me. Like I said before, I am not coordinated, and aerobics videos are just not my thing (not to mention that my kids watch me and mock me). Some 1985 video is just not a sustainable workout program for me at this point. I wish I was a runner, but I am not a runner. First of all, it is hot here. And second of all, I don't like to run, at all....not for long distances. I wish I is cheap and accessible, but I am not self-motivated enough to be a runner. This I know.

Starting out, my goal was simple. Get stronger. Be able to do push-ups. And May seemed far away, and all of a sudden it is May. A fellow bootcamper told me about a program to build up to 100 push-ups (in 7 weeks)
http://http// . I am going to try that...starting in June. If I can ever do push-ups, 100 of them in a row, it will be some kind of amazing miracle. But I am on the fitness train, and I am gonna ride it because I am enthused.

There is a fine line that comes into play when you are enthused about fitness and weight loss. You get a little excited, fired up....and you want your friends to share their enthusiasm. And they don't. Not all of them anyway. It is a little like my faith to me. I am a Christian, and not all of my friends are, which is okay. But, when you or your friends find a new groove, one that helps them, leaves them feeling better (and their pants feeling looser), they want to share. With my faith, I try to live my life in a way that is an example, that shares my faith without me having to actually talk about it. I have always liked the St. Francis of Assisi quote; "Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary use words". I would assume that everyone around me knows that I am a Christian. It appears now that everyone I know also seems to know I am doing boot camp, or exercising at the very least. I was eating M&M's today at my daughter's pool party and her teacher said: "even exercise girl is eating some, I guess I can too". Exercise girl, me. Ha. It makes me laugh and makes me delighted all at the same time. Recently, several people have emailed me to inquire as to where I work out. Just like my neighbor who came to me when she wanted to start going to church. I was just living my life, and she came to me. If you put it out there, just tell people who you are, or what you are, or what you are doing...they will come when they are ready. And often it is the most unlikely friend.

During this next month of boot camp, it is going to get increasingly hot. My schedule is going to get increasingly busy with 2 art camps, my kids being home from school and, vacations. I am going to have to go to boot camp at 5:30 am. Yes, 5:30 am. I still can't quite wrap my head around it. I am a night owl. If I had it my way, the world would operate from 11 am - 8 pm and we would all sleep from 2 am til 10 am. I like to stay up late. I don't know why. I just work that way. I also like my sleep. I love my sleep. So that I am willing to pay money to get up at 4:45 am and go work out sort of amazes even me.
So that is where I am for now. 5:30 is worth it when people say things to you like....I saw you walking down the street the other day and I didn't know who you were. WOW. The scale still may not say what I want, but clearly, something is transforming!


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